1. Please read the provisions of the Contract Terms and Conditions on the reverse side of your Bill of Lading.

2. No claim will be properly presented until we receive a completed Claim for Loss and Damage report from the claimant.

3. It is essential that the claimant gives complete information on the details below; please print or type information to the best of your knowledge:

INVENTORY NUMBER: Record the number that the item is listed under on the inventory. Each item
or carton should have a colored piece of tape on it showing it’s number.

DESCRIPTION OF ITEM: Identify the article using the same name as listed on the inventory. If packed, name the damaged article.

NATURE OF LOSS/DAMAGE: Describe the nature and location of the damage. If the article is lost, describe the item in detail, specifying color, size, model and serial number, etc.

ESTIMATED WEIGHT: If the actual weight is unknown, give an estimate.

AGE OF ITEM: Complete as accurately as possible.

COST TO REPLACE/REPAIR*: Specify the estimated (or actual) cost of repairing the item. If the item is damaged beyond repair, or if the item was lost, specify the cost of replacement.

AMOUNT CLAIMED*: Specify the amount of reimbursement that you are requesting for repair or replacement of each item.

PACKING: Specify whether the item was packed by the owner or moving crew.

4. Provide pictures. Pictures should clearly convey the extent of the damage as well as its location on the item claimed. Provide a distance shot of the entire item with the damage visible. If necessary provide a close up picture showing the extent and nature of the damage. Please use some indicator of a relative size such as a coin or a ruler. Please identify each picture and what is depicted. Unidentified pictures may delay the processing of your claim.

5. Forward the completed claim and supporting documents to us

6. Claim investigation may take up to 21 business days before a settlement can be proposed.

*applicable if Valuation Coverage plan was purchased.